[pct-l] Women & Underwear on a PCT Th

Ann Marie dbanmrkr at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 22 18:27:42 CST 2013

I agree with Toga. Take 3 pairs of underwear. Rinse the worn pair daily at the end of the day (use a ziplock with some soapy water - I usually carry Dawn dishwashing liquid (i.e. "drops" in a very small bottle..). The pair probably won't dry by morning so hang it on your pack to dry or place it within your pack in a way it will continue to dry within the day. OR if you don't mind damp underwear, just wear the rinsed pair again in the morning. I always switch into my sleep pair in the evening after cleaning up with water or wet ones, and switch back into rinsed "hiking" panties in the morning so I can store my sleep pair fairly clean (in fact, they stay clean because I also use a clean panty liner at night...) I'd like to carry running shorts to wear during the day too, but I'm very fair-skinned and the amount of sunscreen to protect my legs would require too much product weight. I find long hiking pants to be relatively comfortable in direct heat
 compared to what I would have to carry extra to protect myself from sunburn (extra sunscreen for protection, extra wet ones to clean up....).

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