[pct-l] Pemmican

Diane Soini of Santa Barbara Hikes diane at santabarbarahikes.com
Fri Jan 11 19:39:32 CST 2013

I made some beef heart jerky using a recipe on Mark's Daily Apple.  
Here's the recipe:

"Heart, being nearly pure lean muscle, makes excellent jerky. Get a  
half-frozen heart and carve as thinly as possible (freezing makes  
accurate slices easier). For three pounds of heart, marinate slices  
in a 1/2 cup red wine vinegar, 1 tablespoon cumin, 1 1/2 teaspoons  
cayenne, 1 tablespoon salt, 2 teaspoons black pepper for at least  
twelve hours. Let them dry on paper towels completely before drying.  
Obviously, a food dehydrator works best but an oven set to its lowest  
heat with the door ajar works, too. They’re ready when completely  
dry. Everyone will enjoy it, and best of all, you won’t be lying by  
calling it beef jerky."

One tip: cut any fat and membranes off. That stuff gets impossible to  
chew. Also, I didn't dry the meat on paper towels. I just stuck it  
right in the dehydrator. You could do the same recipe with any cut of  
beef. And the measurements need not be exact. Heart has COQ10 in it  
so it's extra good for you.

Heart doesn't seem to get crispy. It gets chewy.

On Jan 11, 2013, at 4:23 AM, pct-l-request at backcountry.net wrote:

> This sounds interesting/appealing - can you offer more details in  
> terms of
> what you bought (cuts of meat - what cheap roasts - or does it  
> matter); how
> your prep'd it (what spices, beyond the salt you mention); how you  
> sliced
> it - by hand or on a lunchmeat slicer; what dehydrating  
> temperature; and
> about keeping it fresh during the hike - any concerns at all, or no  
> concerns
> etc.
> thanks - TheDuck

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