[pct-l] What are the Best Shoes for the PCT?

Eric Lee saintgimp at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 14 13:43:53 CDT 2012

Uncle Tom wrote:
Bigger ones than you have now.

I agree.  Everyone's feet are unique so this may not be true for you, but
I've seen far more foot blisters/injuries caused by shoes that are too small
than by shoes that are too big.  For some reason the traditional fitting
advice is to buy a size that grips your foot snugly so you don't feel
anything slipping around when you walk, but that tends to be way too small
for long-distance hiking.  Most people do better with shoes that allow some
room to move around.  Having your toes jamming the front of your shoes on
downhills is always a bad thing and must be fixed.  Either try a larger shoe
size or another brand with a different shape.

As far as specific shoes models go, there are certain ones that seem to be
popular.  Brooks Cascadias are spoken highly of.  That doesn't necessarily
mean they'll work for you but it's a good place to start.  I personally use
a lightweight leather boot (Lowa Renegade, leather-lined model) because they
agree well with my feet and ankles, but us boot-users are a minority.

Continued training will help, too.  It takes a lot time to get your feet
accustomed to the kind of punishment that long-distance hiking dishes out.
Some shoes are better than others but no shoe is going to protect you from
untrained feet.


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