[pct-l] Suiattle R. Bridge

shon mcganty smcganty at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 2 12:43:18 CDT 2012

I went for a hike on the PCT to see the new Suiattle River Bridge.  The work crew did a great job on the new trail and bridge.  The new PCT is a few miles longer, but it passes through a terrific forest with some giant trees.  There is one western red cedar that I tried to measured the circumference using my rope, but it only went 3/4 the way around.  The final 1/4 I used my arm/wingspan once, twice, then one more arm length.  I got home and est. the size at 36 feet around.  And there are two huge Douglas Firs that are nearly as big, and the trail goes right between them.  I got some great pictures walking between these two giants, they make me look puny.  
For SOBO's
I also wanted to say there's a lot of snow still on the ground.  I hit snow at 2,700 feet and the trail was lost under snow at 2,900 feet.  This is not typical of most of the length of the PCT, as  I was in a deep, big forest where the sun don't shine.  Snow melts more in open and rocky terraine, but I was still surprisesd by the amount of snow at 2,900 ft.  The forecast for Washington is for cloudy days every day for the next 7-8 days, so there won't be much melting snow anytime early June.  SOBO's should expect more snow than normal.
Enjoy the PCT.

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