[pct-l] Am Lost

Craig Giffen cg at lunky.com
Tue Dec 11 12:18:24 CST 2012

In 1996 I had dinner with a couple I met earlier in the day at the Warner Springs PO.  Since it was a nice night and I felt like walking I thought I would just hike the PCT from the fire station to where the PCT crossed the highway west of Warner Springs.  The guy dropped me off at the fire station and I continued down the PCT.  All was fine and dandy until I got lost on a huge mess of cow and motorcycle paths.  I knew where the town was and such so I wasn't "lost", just more "misplaced" (as someone said earlier). 

I continued to headlamp hike north until I reached an old  barbed wire fence.  I crawled over it and continued north until reaching pavement.  I looked to the left and to the right and noticed that the markings on the pavement were a bit different...I was standing in the middle of the Warner Springs airstrip!

Eventually I reached the highway west of Warner Springs but I didn't know if the PCT crossing was to the left or to the right.  I went left for a 1/2 mile and turned around...it was to the right a few hundred feet.


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