[pct-l] overnight in angeles crest

Taylor Matheson tmatheson33 at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 5 16:28:20 CST 2012

I've got a 20 mile about 3000' elevation loop that's amazing. Its not too hard but its the best loop hike in the angeles i feel. Park at vincent gap start on the pct on the north side of the road hike 9 miles to guffy camp( gets really cold since your on a ridge and water is .3 miles north of camp at a small spring but I haven't looked for it.)  stay here for the night or continue  on the fire road to lupine another 3 miles down in the valley.( water is up the old fire road going up the ridge on the south side of camp been there and with the recent rain should be flowing pretty good) Next day you would hike to cabin flats and then it's 2 miles of bush whacking until you make it to vincent gulch and you can follow the gulch back up to vincent gap. Which is about 6 miles and 2000' elevation. There's  a plane wreck along this trail and also a small side trip could be taken to see vincent cabin or big horn mine. You could reverse the loop if you wanted to hike down the steep part first and do a more gradual up hill. 

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