[pct-l] Gold Bond

Tim Gustafson tjg at tgustafson.com
Thu Apr 26 21:38:35 CDT 2012

So, I just went to the store to see about this Gold Bond Extra
Strength stuff that I hear some people talking about.  I've heard it's
good for chafing and foot odor and such.

Holy crap the bottle that my store carries is HUGE - it's like at
least a pound of the stuff.

I'm going to try to do the sandals and socks thing for at least the
first few days and I'm going to be wearing compression shorts to stop
chafing between my legs, so I'm wondering if I even need this stuff.
Should I just leave it behind, and if I switch to shoes have the
bottle shipped to me in the same box with the shoes?


Tim Gustafson
tjg at tgustafson.com

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