[pct-l] Leaving on Friday!

Tim Gustafson tjg at tgustafson.com
Sun Apr 22 18:08:41 CDT 2012

Woohoo!  The time has finally come.  Friday morning, I arrive in San
Diego, and thanks to the offer of a ride from Ken Smith I'll be hiking
by lunch time.  I'm very excited.  I'm doing only the first 200 miles
of the trail over 2 weeks.

I had a few questions.  I'm getting ready to mail my resupply boxes
starting tomorrow, and I was wondering if anyone could tell me exactly
how I should address them?  I've got all the post office addresses
along the way that I'll be using.  Should I just address them to:

Tim Gustafson
General Delivery / Northbound Hiker
123 Main St
Whateverville, CA 12345

Do I need to put a "please hold until" date?  How long in advance
should I actually send the boxes out?  I'm thinking that if I mail the
first two post offices tomorrow, and the 3rd and 4th boxes on
Thursday, I should be good to go.

And a second question: I had originally planned to bring just
synthetic material pants, but not shorts.  My figuring was that it
would be better to keep the sun off my legs.  The current weather
forecast looks like 60's and 70's for the entire trip, so I'm thinking
I should be fine.  But, I thought I would ping the group and ask about
shorts for my trip.


Tim Gustafson
tjg at tgustafson.com

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