[pct-l] Sierra Solo

Matt Impey matthewjimpey at gmail.com
Sun Apr 22 17:41:19 CDT 2012

Thanks everyone for the input, as always I will take the old adage to heart
that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure, and basically not
do anything particularly risky. In part I was seeking advice, but mostly I
wanted to look for like-minded individuals' opinion of the relative safety
of this trip. I'm sure you guys are the in the same situation where our
friends, coworkers, and family members consider it crazy to sleep in a tent
in the back yard, so I needed some support for my idea from elsewhere.

As for the SPOT, I plan to hike as if I don't have it, but to know that I
have it will give me a measure of confidence that should I fall 60 feet and
beak my hip and feet, I don't have to hope for a miracle.


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