[pct-l] Desert Water Capacity?

PNW Hiker pnw.hiker at gmail.com
Fri Apr 20 23:17:08 CDT 2012

Maggie, you need to find out how many miles you can go per liter. Then your
guidebook or whatever will tell you the miles till your next water.

I just did sicssors with 5mi/liter but it was cool a few weeks back. In
hotter weather I might need a liter every 3 miles. In the desert I recently
carried four 1.5L aqufina bottles for six liters total, but rarely had more
than two filled at a time. Haven't used bladders in years cause I always
break them.

Finally, when people are at a water source they often forget to fill
themselves. Force yourself to drink an extra liter at the spring. No better
place to carry water than inside yourself.

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