[pct-l] There will be no caches at Kelso Valley Road or Bird Springs Pass PLEASE FORWARD

Monty Tam montypct at gmail.com
Sun Apr 8 20:47:57 CDT 2012

Dear PCT Family

I just talked to Mary Barcik who has been maintaining the Kelso Valley Road and the Bird Springs Pass Water Caches for many years.
She says she cannot afford to stock it this year. 
She has water out there right now, but the desert varmints are chewing through all the bottles she reuses.
Her truck is old. Gas is high. She can’t afford to buy water from the store.

After talking to her for a while I asked if WE got together and bought the water, if she would put it out for us.
She said “Of Course”.

Last year she put out over 400 gallons. This year there should be more hikers.
$400 might get us through the season.
$500 would guarantee it.

Mary does not do computer, Paypal, or any of that.

To donate send a check to:

Mary Barcik
5400 Kelso Valley Road
Weldon, CA 93283

Thanks for helping this year’s hikers

Warner Springs Monty

For more info on the location and importance of these caches see www.4jeffrey.net miles 616 and 631. In 2008 I saw a hiker’s life saved by the Bird Springs cache. 

PS Any communications need to be sent directly to my email as overuse of the PCT-L by a few has made it hiker unfriendly. I do not get these posts. 

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