[pct-l] PCT class of 2010 trail maintenance project

Cari and Pete Tucker pct2010video at gmail.com
Tue Apr 3 21:27:43 CDT 2012

We sent the following announcement out to the mailing list of 2010 hikers
we used to solicit photos for the 2010 DVD, but in the interests of
reaching as many 2010 hikers as possible, we thought we'd post it here as

Greetings, PCT 2010 hikers!!

Feeling trail sick?  Want to renew friendships you made on the trail?  Want
to give something back to the trail community?  Read on!!

With the assistance of the Mount Hood Chapter of the PCTA, we are
organizing a week-long “class of 2010” trail maintenance project, to be
held September 8th-15th in the vicinity of Trout Lake, Washington.  We
selected this area due to its proximity to Portland and its airport, which
should make it easy for out-of-towners to participate without using excess
vacation time getting to and from the trail.  We expect to gather at the
trailhead at 2:30 PM on September 8th, and to be off trail by late
afternoon on September 15th.

Here’s how it works.  Volunteers will be responsible for arranging their
own transportation to the trailhead (However, if you make it to Portland,
we’ll find a way to get you to the trailhead), and for providing their own
backpack, tent, sleeping bag, eating utensils and personal gear.  The PCTA
will provide the food, the equipment, and skilled leaders to guide our work
during the week.  We’ll work between 6-10 hours each day (with breaks), but
will have the evenings to relax and swap tall tales about our 2010
adventures.  No special skills are required to volunteer; the work
performed will likely include clearing overgrown trail, improving drainage,
or repairing damaged trail tread.  For more information about the way PCTA
trail projects are organized, please see:


We’re looking for a dozen volunteers, which would make us a complete trail
crew.  Anyone who hiked any portion of the PCT in 2010 is welcome!  Want to
make sure your best friends from the trail are part of the crew?  Give them
a call, and encourage them to participate!!

We hope that members of the class of 2010 will embrace this project, and
make it a success.  Our fondest hope is that other classes will see what we
are doing, and organize “reunion” trail projects of their own, thereby
creating a new pool of volunteers helping to preserve and protect the trail
we all love so dearly.

Excited, and ready to go?  Email to pct2010video at gmail.com.

Intrigued, but got questions? Email to pct2010video at gmail.com.

Happy Trails!!

-Sandals and Sheepdog

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