[pct-l] SOBO and Harts Pass

Barry Teschlog tokencivilian at yahoo.com
Wed May 25 17:49:09 CDT 2011

In regards to the question on Harts Pass being accessible on 6/24 or 7/1 I'd say 
the odds of that are vanishingly small.  

By way of comparison, consider:  Last year I was on the WTA log out of the 
winter blow down PCT from Harts to Rainy Pass.  We were scheduled for July 5 to 
July 10.  We got canceled off the PCT / moved to trails further east in the rain 
shadow instead.  This year, the log out of said section of the PCT is scheduled 
for July 18 or so - figured 2 extra weeks would be enough to allow for 
sufficient melt out, right?  Well, not quite.  I was out with the WTA over the 
weekend and asked their trail operations guy the status of this year's log out - 
they've already been informed by the district Forest Ranger to reschedule to a 
later date or relocate the crew to a different trail.  So, guaranteed that if 
you start in late June or early July the PCT will NOT be cleared of winter blow 

Compare this year's snow at Hart's Pass to last years:
Click on Washington, then find Harts Pass (upper center, blue dot) then find the 
intersection of Current Water Year and Snow Water Equivalent and click on "Daily 
Graph".  Once you absorb this year, on the drop down on the lower left part, 
pick "2010" then use your browser "back" and "forward" button to flip back and 
forth between the two.  As of this date, there is about 66" of water in the 
snow, this time last year there was roughly 30 to 35 inches.  

Note that on the 20th I drove over Stevens Pass from the Seattle area to 
Leavenworth.  The snow was visible in the tree's at not more than 3,000 foot 
elevation.  The ski area at the pass looks like it could still be open, with 
100% snow coverage at 4,000'.  Cameras at Snoqualmie Pass (both highway and ski 
area) indicate the slopes there, starting at 3,000 feet, still have full to 
nearly full coverage.

As far as an alternative / plan B:  

Might I suggest going to Walker Pass (mile 650) and head north - there will be 
significantly less snow to deal with in the Sierra, even this year, compared to 
starting in the North Cascades around that time.  

Or, if SOBO is a non negotiable, consider a start at Highway 20 / Rainy Pass and 
bring ski's with skins or snow shoes, GPS with a full trail trace in the memory, 
skills and physical ability to deal with the snow cover, a willingness to back 
track or find safe alternates around truly impassable sections (like the Kendal 
Katwalk will be for some time) and lots of patience to deal with the blow down.


Thanks PCT Mom for keeping us informed of the snow up in those parts.  
I too am embarking on a SOBO thru-hike.  My buddy and I are planning on a 
6/24 start date.  It looks from the WSDOT page that SR 20 will be open today, 
but I wonder about the access to Harts Pass.  Judging from a report from the 
Methow Valley News (http://www.methowvalleynews.com/story.php?id=5796), 
there is roughly 10' of snow at Harts Pass now, and I wonder how much of a 
priority clearing/opening a dirt road like the one at the Pass gets in a 
high snow year like this.  
PCT Mom, what would you say would be the odds of Harts Pass being 
accessible 6/24 for the start of our hike, or even 7/1 for the start 
of Variety's hike?  If the outlook isn't good, what would you recommend 
as an alternative?  Of course, I'll keep an eye on snow levels over the 
coming weeks, but I'd like to have a Plan B too.
Bear Can

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