[pct-l] MLK Dayhike Silverwood to Cajon

gwschenk at socal.rr.com gwschenk at socal.rr.com
Tue Jan 18 14:39:06 CST 2011

My girlfriend and I spent MLK Day on the PCT. We left a car at the Santa Fe Trail monument by the weigh station at I-15 and left another car at the Silverwood Park office. From the parking we backtracked a bit to Hwy 138 and set out at the late hour of 11 am. 

That section of trail is in good shape, especially considering the storms that have been coming through since October. Some small blow downs and a couple of minor slides were the only problems, none of which were an issue. For now water is plentiful. All of the big tributaries of West Fork Mojave, and even a couple of small ones, had good flow. The big tributaries of Little Horsethief also had good flow. Crowder Canyon is flowing strongly and is as pleasant as ever.

Surprisingly, mountain bikers and motor bikers were in short supply. We saw none on the trail, not even tracks. In the past this section of trail has been a favorite of mountain bikers. Perhaps not so coincidently, there was not much litter on the trail, we only picked up one beer can and a half dozen shotgun shells.

At the powerline road we ran into a fellow doing trail maintenance. He had plans to remove the deadfall near Lake Silverwood.

All in all it was a nice 14 mile hike and a great day.


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