[pct-l] Stream Crossings

bighummel at aol.com bighummel at aol.com
Tue Jan 18 09:59:16 CST 2011

For a great account of a near death experience crossing Bridal Veil Creek, read Royal Robbin's "To Be Brave". He just finished solo climbing the over hanging face of Leaning Tower and figured the worst was behind him. He ties a rope around a tree and ventures out into the current. It nearly takes him due to what Ned indicated; facing upstream the force of current on his legs is almost enough to pull him under. When he lifts up one foot it drops in half. He also realized that the rope was more of a danger than help.  

Listen to Ned, he knows what he speaks of.

Greg Hummel

Do you know why I'm always whistling? It's simply because, as you know, whistle blowers are protected by law!

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