[pct-l] Water north of Crater Lake Rim Village

Eric Lee saintgimp at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 19 13:45:31 CST 2011

Doug wrote:
>From the materials I have, it looks as though on-trail water for the 25
miles north from Rim Village (using the hiker PCT) is scarce.

Working from my memory of a couple of years ago, I believe that there's no
water at all between the Crater Lake Rim Village and Thielsen creek.  I
can't even recall any off-trail sources that wouldn't require full-blown
alternate routes.  It's pretty dry.

If you're section-hiking, you could possibly cache some water for yourself
at highway 138 beforehand.  If you're doing a long section or a thru-hike
you might detour past Diamond Lake for supplies and water, which makes you
skip part of the PCT but helps your water problem.  Or you could just load
up with six or so liters and just go for it.  The amount you actually need
is dependent on a lot of things, including the weather that day and how
trail-hardened you are.


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