[pct-l] We need you...

Barry Teschlog tokencivilian at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 22 10:46:19 CDT 2010


(Or go to postholer, find the PCT journal for Charlie Hyde / Tahoma 29, 
September 20th entry).

"Not much to say other than today was without a doubt the most consistently 
miserable day of hiking in my entire life. "
"The trail: muddy, slippery scree, pools of water, a flowing creek, take your 
pic. Huge portions of the trail are overgrown with huckleberry, ferns or other 
shrubs guaranteeing that in spite of your umbrella, your clothes and shoes will 
stay perfectly soaked. There was a section about 50 yards wide on either side of 
a logging road, as well as close to Snoqualmie, where brush had been cut aside 
perhaps for window dressing."

(Note:  We've actually done ~200 yards, in addition to ~75 yards that the FS did 
by the mentioned road crossing.  In addition, between the WTA and PCTA from 
October of last year and the August / September projects this year, about 3/4 of 
a mile was cleared "close to Snoqualmie" - but I understand his frustration.  I 
felt the same way on my thru hike when encountering that kind of crappy brush in 
the rain, or even on a dewy morning.)

I need 2 people to join me on Saturday the 25th so we can fire up the PCTAs 
brush saw and continue addressing the above brush.  Weather is supposed to be 
pretty good.  A 3 person crew can clear 400 to 500' of trail to spec width a day 
with the saw.  With more people, we can put loppers on it as well and do even 
more.  No experience necessary.  All tools provided.  Satisfaction at the end of 
the day looking back on what you accomplished is (all but) guaranteed.

Area:  Exit 62, off of I-90 (~10 miles east of Snoqualmie Pass).  Come on 
Seattle area folks.......

E-mail me by Thursday evening if you want to do something about the above.  I'll 
send you full information.  This work is sanctioned by the PCTA.


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