[pct-l] PCT bicycle abuse...

jomike at cot.net jomike at cot.net
Tue Sep 21 12:26:58 CDT 2010

I see no reason ever for bikes on the PCT, it goes against all the 
historical intent, current rules and definition of this short 2658 mile foot 
path. I am a very serious mtn biker and road biker with a huge collection of 
bikes, and I leave them at home when I go hiking. If I meet a biker on the 
PCT, it won't be a friendly or cooperative occasion, since the biker isn't 
really there in my mind.  Show destain and rudeness to any encounter of 
bikes on the PCT, and remind them that they are criminals, since there are 
already rules and laws in place to protect this foot path.  Defend your 
rights to hike the PCT, after all, the PCT Rules!

Thank you Deems. I've been waiting for someone to take that stance. The PCT is NOT meant for wheeled vehicles. Never, no way, period, protect the PCT anyway possible. Thank you again.

are we there yet

...going to the mountains is going home.

John Muir

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