[pct-l] Why must there be a "Right Way & wrong way" to hike the trail?

Reinhold Metzger reinholdmetzger at cox.net
Sat Oct 30 05:29:21 CDT 2010

Hikers are like family....they are like a "Band of Brothers" and look 
out for each other.
That is why it always saddens me to see hikers turn against hikers over 
trivial things like hiking style or pack weight.
When that happens my memory always wanders back to something "Radar" 
(Gary) once said.

Radar once said............"Why must there be a right way and a wrong 
way to hike the trail"?
Yes, I ask you................. WHY?
Why can't we all just hike our own way without criticizing each others way.

There will always be "Rabbits" (Ultra-liters)  and  "Turtles" (Heavy  
Who is to say that the rabbits way is the better way or that the rabbit 
enjoys its journey more?
I have been a rabbit and a turtle, enjoyed my  journey either way and 
have come to realize there really is no absolute right way.....what 
works for you is the right way...for you.

I SAY...Let them go on their journey their own merry way....and let them 
enjoy their journey their own special way.

JMT Reinhold
Your trail companion, enjoying his journeys which ever way

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