[pct-l] signing in

Mary Davison pastormaryd at msn.com
Thu Oct 28 22:19:01 CDT 2010

I finally was able to get into the site. Thank you for the comment that they
may take 24 hours to get their data together to let you in. Today I did not
try to update the password but did try after a 24 hour period and got in.
Besides the issue mentioned to vote on there are numerous related issues
awaiting your vote. The "biker lobby and OHV lobby" are out in force with
lots of comments to vote on, some absolutely ridiculous and some more
thoughtful. I would suggest taking some time to look through the list. I
could not go through more than 17 pages at a sitting but will revisit on
another day as I found a number of issues about which I wished to vote.


Medicare Pastor

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