[pct-l] Bear Canisters on the PCT - FYI

Diane Soini of Santa Barbara Hikes diane at santabarbarahikes.com
Wed Oct 27 17:42:06 CDT 2010

Where to put the bear canister:
Put it away from your tent but within view of the door. Keep your  
camera ready so you can film the bear trying to open it.

I met a guy this summer who had a 20 or 40 minute video of a bear  
trying to open his bear canister. He took the video from inside his  
tent. It was the most amazing video of a bear I have ever seen. He  
was so close and so absolutely CUTE with his big paws sticking up and  
him rolling around trying to open it. Amazing. I hope the guy can  
sell his video to National Geographic or somebody because it was  
worth a lot of money.

If you don't want that kind of excitement, you can just put the  
canister far away, but try to put it where if it rolls, it rolls into  
someplace you can get to. Not off a cliff or into a lake or something.

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