[pct-l] My feet a killing me!

Diane Soini of Santa Barbara Hikes diane at santabarbarahikes.com
Wed Dec 1 21:46:40 CST 2010

Everybody else said it sounded like you have Morton's Neuroma. The  
first thing I thought of was maybe you have a problem with the fat  
pads on the balls of your feet. On some people the fat pads slip  
forward leaving the bones unprotected.

If you have Morton's Neuroma, have no fear. Get the absolute widest  
shoes you possibly can. I have Morton's Neuroma and I wore the widest  
shoes I could get and had absolutely no pain or problems at all. If  
anything, my foot is cured. Except that now my feet are so wide and  
spread out and used to the feeling of not being scrunched I can  
scarcely find any shoes I can wear anymore.


On Dec 1, 2010, at 10:00 AM, pct-l-request at backcountry.net wrote:
> I need some advice concerning my feet.  For the past two years I  
> have suffered (emphasis added) from a sharp pain in the balls of my  
> feet, just behind my second and third toes.  The pain can be very  
> intense (think hot poker) but never happens to both feet at once.   
> It is most likely to occur when I'm ascending a mountain.  I can  
> force the pain to move to the other foot by slightly shifting my  
> weight and I make frequent stops to wriggle my toes front and aft,  
> which will give immediate relief for the next mile or two.  The  
> pain   comes and goes during the day, with no known pattern.  I am  
> prone to Plantar Fasciitis so wear a rigid orthotic.  I am getting  
> old but would really like to hike without so much discomfort. Am I  
> looking at a double amputation, here?
> Any ideas or suggestion would be received with unlimited joy!
> Whimpie

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