[pct-l] looking for historical info on PCT signs

Austin Williams austinwilliams123 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 31 13:39:39 CDT 2010

So, two things came to mind.  Not sure if either has what you're looking
for, but they might be good leads for you.
The first is the video series:

*"The Pacific Crest Trail Experience- The History of the PCT"*.

you can watch them online for free at:


The other is a book called *"The Pacific Crest Trailway"*.  It is one of the
first books ever published about the Pacific Crest Trail.  A hardcopy will
cost you about $150, but I have a link to a (legal) online, scanned copy of
the book.  The link is:


Happy sleuthing, and please share with the group if you find anything


Austin Williams

Info on PCT gear, resupply points, maps, movies, etc.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway."
-John Wayne

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