[pct-l] PCT Atlas

Sean 'Miner' Nordeen sean at lifesadventures.net
Fri Aug 27 11:22:11 CDT 2010

Are you going to be using a bounce box (a box with extra gear that you keep mailing ahead of yourself as you hike)?  If so, just throw your extra books in it until you are done.  Not everyone uses a bounce box, but for those who have no one to mail things to you as you have need, a bounce box is a way of not having to carrying extra and redudant gear until you need it.  I mailed mine about 2weeks ahead, and if I didn't need it, I would have the Post Office forward it again.  If you use US Priority Mail, they will forward the box for free if you don't open it and don't leave the post office window with it.


Check my 2009 PCT Journal out at http://www.pct2009.lifesadventures.net/Journal.php

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