[pct-l] First PCT Thru-Triker

hiker97 at aol.com hiker97 at aol.com
Sat Aug 7 18:29:04 CDT 2010

Yes, once again your intrepid PCT hero and trail raconteur, Switchback, will accomplish a first.  I have decided to be the first person to Thru-Trike the PCT.  I will get a motorcycle trike and do a PCT corridor road trip.  This will be a world's first.  Many accolades will be bestowed on me by an admiring public.  I will have a color matched trailer behind my trike.  I will campout and also stay/swim at the best hotels.  I might write a book afterwards like Ray Jardine did for ultra-light backpacking.
Then I might do the CDT and the AT.  I will be the first Triple-Crown Thru-Triker.  The ALDHA-West will award me the first Triple-Crown Triker certificate with much press coverage, etc.  The PCTA will make me a life-member and name a section of the trail after me.  The Iron Butt Association will make me a platinum member. 
This is too cool.  This is too exciting.  This is historical.  I will see many hikers at the road crossings.  I will open up my trailer top and pull out hot buckets of fried chicken, pizza, cakes, ice cream, and cold drinks.  I will let the hikers watch me as I gobble down some of these delicacies.  I will save the rest of my next road/trail stop and a new set of envious, drooling, super hungry hikers.   
Say, this might be something to do each year when I retire. Of course, I will have to have some quick release "Get-Back" whips hanging from my handlebars to keep all the admirers away.  

Your obedient servant.
Switchback the Trike Pirate
Undocumented PCT-Thru Triker

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