[pct-l] Snow in Southern California

enyapjr at comcast.net enyapjr at comcast.net
Thu Apr 15 11:01:32 CDT 2010

>From Josh:
> ...snow in so cal. I was wondering if anyone had a recomendation on where 
> I could see a good synopsis of this year's current snow conditions.

>From Steel-Eye:
> Try these:
> <http://cdec.water.ca.gov/cgi-progs/products/PLOT_SWC.2010.pdf>
> <http://www.wcc.nrcs.usda.gov/cgibin/westsnow.pl>

Unfortunately there are no snow data collection sensors in 'far' SoCal (for
San Gabriels, San Bernardinos, San Jacintos, Lagunas, etc.)...

That's why on the NRCS link above far SoCal is always 'blank' - no data!

Also, FYI, re. the CDEC graphed regions, the watersheds are (N to S):
"North" = Trinity through Feather & Truckee, 
"Central" = Yuba & Tahoe through Merced & Walker, and 
"South" = San Joaquin & Mono through Kern (far, far away from San Jacinto!).

Look for posts or journals of hikers that have left earlier than you for
'clues' about possible conditions on the trail...
Sorry - can't be of much help to you beyond that...  I have been surprised
somewhat this year at the lack of 'locals' getting out and posting conditions
to the list - perhaps that might reflect on the conditions, too, however!

Good luck on your trek.  Enjoy the journey!!

Happy trails!!!
Jim (PITA)

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