[pct-l] End of Earth in 2012

LOUIE KROLL louie.kroll at gmail.com
Tue Nov 24 07:49:23 CST 2009

I apologize if that sounded harsh.  It did.

The PCT is most certainly not going to be Disneyland.  It is also not 
going to be downtown Baghdad.

I wrote what I wrote for two reasons:

1) This PCT thread is way too overloaded with unreasonable fears, 
outright fear mongering and blatant untruths.  I think the writings 
speak for themselves.
2) I have spent a significant amount of time in the "Range of Light", 
and consider myself reasonably well informed about what is and what 
isn't a threat.

Am I saying that a trip in these mountains is like skipping through a 
field of daisies with nary a care in the world?  No.  Am I suggesting 
that overall, for someone in reasonable shape with a little bit of 
practice can't at least make a stab at it without worrying about the 
Mayans, rapists, bear or coyote attacks, gunfire, atomic bombs, the 
plague or getting AIDS?  You bet I am.

While there is no excuse for being unprepared or for not taking 
responsibility for one's self, there is also no viable reason to try to 
scare people away from the church.  The way I see it is thus...the more 
folks who can safely engage with the mountains and the wilderness, the 
more soldiers we have for preservation.  I want troops.

So my intention was not to lead the unprepared into their doom, instead 
it was to encourage the skittish towards that first step that begins the 
journey of a lifetime.  Some may fall, but most will prevail.  I stand 
by what I said about the Sierra Nevada.  She is beautiful, she is mostly 
benign round about the summer months and all of us should be encouraging 
those who haven't tasted the waters to come have a drink and be converted.

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