[pct-l] Marijuana in the Sierra & backpacking at 98

Hiker97 hiker97 at aol.com
Thu Jun 25 00:52:48 CDT 2009

Unsupported JMT Reinhold writes: Yes Switchback, Norman and I hiked the  JMT  together for many years.  I'm sure he mentioned that to you during his conversations with you. Funny.....85 lb was exactly the weight of my pack when I hiked the JMT  with the Scouts in 1996.  Did you say  ''marijuana''  in the Sierra?........Gee, I always thought it was ''skunk cabbage''.....no wonder I always felt so funny after eating it. 
Switchback replies: Well, I am working on my new Mariposa pack and it is coming around nicely.  I currently working on some new super light camp shoes.  I have found some new NorthFace super light shorts and T-shirt for camp wear.  Not bad at all.  Once again, Switchback, is at the cutting edge of backpackerdom.  I have a neat water system for carrying 9 liters of water very nicely, if needed.  Only 3 liters is in the back pack.

I have not forgotten about my SuperSecrets of Backpacking paper of ideas for the trail.  This will practically guarantee Canada for the NoBo hikers.

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