[pct-l] Scott Williamson & Adam Bradley

Reinhold Metzger reinholdmetzger at cox.net
Sat Jun 20 17:28:34 CDT 2009

Don't feel slighted Donna.....even poor Michelle will be passed up.
They are not even going to stop at Scott's house when they get to Truckee.
.....Poor Michelle.
They are very adamant about keeping their hike a pure backpacking experience 
without vehicular support or the assistance of a support team, as was the case 
with Horton.
If they break Horton's record the way they are doing it, it will mean they broke 
Horton's  ''PCT with support team'' record, without the assistance of a support team.
If anybody can do it, I believe Scott & Adam are among that small select group 
that might be able to do it.
Scott trained hard in snow this year and it will serve them well in the Sierra.

JMT Reinhold

Donna wrote:
A young man who works at the hardware store in town is apparently an amateur
journalist who has been wanting to do a story on the PCT hikers.  He caught
a lucky break when Scott and Adam granted him an interview and gave
permission to post the accompanying video, which is available at
www.jacobnahin.com, and apparently also on YouTube.

Scott and Adam are going strong and are on track for their mileage targets.
They did not come up to Hiker Heaven, or take advantage of anything we offer
here (no showers, laundry, etc.)  They came into town, ate pizza, shopped
briefly at the market, and moved on.  I rode my bike alongside them (so I
could keep up!) on the road walk out of town. 

 L-Rod the Animal Magnet (yup, a new tag this season)

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