[pct-l] Remedies for loss of appetite

Ellen Shopes igellen at comcast.net
Tue Jun 16 18:54:01 CDT 2009

A couple of things you weren't mentioning:     Did you feel nauseous 
all/most of the time?  Were you taking regular Ibuprofen (or other 
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory)?

Ibuprofen, etc, is very irritating to the gastric lining.  My husband has 
problems if he uses it chronically.  One solution is to take a 
histamine-blocker (like Zantac/Ranitidine) or a proton-pump inhibitor (like 
Omeprazole/Prilosec).  You could also try using Tylenol instead of some or 
all of the Ibuprofen doses to minimize gastric irritation.

It is not uncommon to experience a loss of appetite when hiking in a warmer 
desert environment.  Most commonly, high fat foods look really disgusting. 
Although it's hard to pack in as many calories without fats, some people 
find the carbs are easier to handle.

Finally, hyponatremia is a cause of nausea/vomiting.  Make sure you are 
getting enough sodium/salt in your diet.  If you are using an 'electrolyte 
replacement', make sure it's heavy on sodium, not potassium.
Good Luck
Elderly Ellen

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