[pct-l] Unsafe trails and personal responsibility

AsABat asabat at 4jeffrey.net
Sun Jun 7 18:03:28 CDT 2009

None. I don't cache. Well, once ocer a tear ago I added 24 gallons when a cacher couldn't make it and asked for help. I just report on water of types. 

But I don't begrudge the caches although I'm the first to tell everyone NOT to rely on them, to be responsible for themselves, that the caches could be dry. I say so on the water report too. 

And even though I've handed out a couple bananas once, given a few rides over the years, tossed some cold sodas in a trough, and, yes, added a little water to a cache just once to help a friend and ease the way for a fellow human being, none of that is guaranteed and I still say we each have to be responsible for ourselves. 

Likewise, I do support a large homeless shelter. Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, do unto others. But I do think their clients should support and be responsible for themselves instead. And hopefully with that help they will get there. 

Well, since the list is back in the good, nope, make that bad old mode where we slam others for trying, I'm going off list.  This was wrong in so many ways and I don't have time for it. 

Have a great summer,

------Original Message------
From: Postholer
To: pct-l at backcountry.net
Cc: AsABat at 4Jeffrey.Net
Sent: Jun 7, 2009 2:39 PM
Subject: [pct-l] Unsafe trails and personal responsibility

Asabat writes:
"I am a strong believer in individual responsibility"

Eh? Exactly how many gallons of water did you lug around the desert this 
summer? Obviously, you don't encourage nor expect others to practice it. 
Dare I say you breed a far more 'dependent' or 'entitled' or 'grateful' 
group of hikers every season.

I'm not pickin' on you Asabat, I'm just, well, pickin' on ya. :) It was just 
an odd statement given your 'hobby'.

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