[pct-l] JMT cell coverage

Bob Bankhead wandering_bob at comcast.net
Tue Jul 7 22:23:11 CDT 2009

Muir Trail Ranch does not have a telephone. They do have internet access via satellite. Quoting their website:

"Can I phone home from the ranch? 
Nope. The phone for the ranch is at our location in the foothills north of Fresno. It is for reservations and information only. If you need to receive or send a message, email is best. Sometimes you can get a cell phone connection from the high peaks of the Sierra."

"Can I send and receive email? 

We rent computer time to hikers, and our satellite connection to the Internet works just about 100% of the time. You will be able to access your email account. No big downloads or uploads, though. We have limited bandwidth and if we go over our allotment, we get punished by suffering 24 hours of dial-up speed!"

For more info on what cell services work where along the PCT, see Halfmile's listing at http://www.pctmap.net/cell 

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