[pct-l] RUNNING OUT OF TIME" was "Hiker in the News

Reinhold Metzger reinholdmetzger at cox.net
Fri Jul 3 10:24:15 CDT 2009

I feel sad for Suzanne.
Suzanne realizes she may be running out of time and is trying to live 
her dream before that precious time runs out.

We take life for granted and many times fail to appreciate the small, 
seemingly insignificant things like the bee on the wildflower until, 
like Suzanne, we realize.....WE  ARE  RUNNING  OUT  OF  TIME.....and 
some of the big, important things in our life are not really important 
at all.
"TIME"....time to live your dream is the most important of 
all.......Time with your family and friends and time to do the things 
you really would like to do before you run out of time.
Be happy, be jovial....humor is a precious gift....embrace it and be 
happy..... while you still have time.

JMT Reinhold
The happy one and running out of time

Postholer wrote:
Suzanne Finney in the news: http://tinyurl.com/nrjknu

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