[pct-l] Trout Lake and Mt. Adams account
ned at pacificcrestcustombuilders.com
ned at pacificcrestcustombuilders.com
Sat Feb 21 12:34:29 CST 2009
The one I was referring to was partly included in "H & R 102" posted at 3am
last night. The significant addition to the story was that the Ranger in
Trout Lake who approved our climbing permit of Mt. Adams said that we could
sign off the mtn. at Midway Guard on the north side of the mtn.. When it was
found to still be closed (Aug. 9th), all we could do was to continue up the
trail through Goat Rocks to White Pass (Aug. 11).
When I wandered through the campground looking for a site, a tow truck came
up from behind and stopped next to me, the driver hanging out the window as
if really eager to tell me something. He asked if I was hiking the pct. I
said that I was. "Are you and your friend from Sonoma?" Now, I got a little
concerned. "Yeah!? What's up?"
"The Sheriff wants to talk to you. Jump in and I'll take you over to the gas
station where we can use the phone." You know those moments in life where
you feel scared, yet trusting, and, briefly, don't know what to do? This was
The gas station was a little to the west at the ski area on the top of the
pass. As the metal and glass door of the cold station closed behind me, the
foreign smells of sweat and auto oil nearly overwhelmed me. There was a
cheery lady working there. She and the tow driver got to talking and then
she made a phone call, handing the receiver to the driver. It was beginning
to seem that I was in some sort of serious mess.
A few words passed between the driver and the Sheriff and he handed me the
"Hi," came the friendly, almost neighborly, voice. "Are you hiking the
Pacific Crest Trail and from Sonoma?"
"Yes, sir." (You always say, 'sir,' when confronted by authority!)
"How's your trip been?"
That's where I went off on a nervous accounting of some of the highlights of
the last five months.
"How was your climb of Mt. Adams? When you didn't report in at Midway Guard
we sent out search parties looking for you two...."
I didn't hear the next few things he said as my mind started spinning with
the repercussions of this.
"We had a helicopter and a few ground parties out on both sides of the
mountain. Called you mom at three in the morning to verify your identity and
that you were, indeed, hiking the trail. She's a nice lady...."
I'm thinking, I'm in a sh-- load of trouble!
"Well, I'm glad that you're safe and that you have been having a great trip
so far!"
"Thanks, Sir, for all your efforts. We would have signed off the mountain at
Midway, but no one was there."
"That's ok, son. We're just happy that you're safe and sound. Have a good
trip the rest of the way!"
That was the nicest Sheriff. Sure different from the ones that arrested me
in Mojave a few months earlier!
----- Original Message -----
From: "montypct" <montypct at gmail.com>
To: <ned at pacificcrestcustombuilders.com>; <whcrs4543 at aol.com>
Cc: "PCT MailingList" <pct-l at backcountry.net>
Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2009 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: [pct-l] Trout Lake and Mt. Adams
> Sure
> I love funny PCT stories
> Lightweight Backpacking
> The fun goes up when the weight goes down
> -Warner Springs Monty
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <ned at pacificcrestcustombuilders.com>
> To: "montypct" <montypct at gmail.com>; <whcrs4543 at aol.com>
> Cc: "PCT MailingList" <pct-l at backcountry.net>
> Sent: Friday, February 20, 2009 10:52 PM
> Subject: Re: [pct-l] Trout Lake and Mt. Adams
>> Monte,
>> We could be at this all night! Listen, if you want to hear another funny
>> story about my thru experiences with Trout Lake, the Forest Service, Mt.
>> Adams, and Midway Guard Station, let me know! It's another typical
>> thru-adventure...
>> Ned
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "montypct" <montypct at gmail.com>
>> To: <ned at pacificcrestcustombuilders.com>; <whcrs4543 at aol.com>
>> Cc: "PCT MailingList" <pct-l at backcountry.net>
>> Sent: Friday, February 20, 2009 10:30 PM
>> Subject: Re: [pct-l] The peanut butter & tortilla diet
>>> In 2007 I think Dozen told me he was eating nothing but peanut butter
>>> and tortillas when I ran into him near Trout Lake in Washington.
>>> He was picking wild huckleberries and smashing them into his peanut
>>> butter.
>>> I think this was just a temporary condition though.
>>> Lightweight Backpacking
>>> The fun goes up when the weight goes down
>>> -Warner Springs Monty
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: <ned at pacificcrestcustombuilders.com>
>>> To: <whcrs4543 at aol.com>
>>> Cc: "PCT MailingList" <pct-l at backcountry.net>
>>> Sent: Friday, February 20, 2009 10:15 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [pct-l] The peanut butter & tortilla diet
>>>> Hi, Don!
>>>> We're all novices just feeling our way up the trail! I'm putting my
>>>> reply out to the L so that someone might remember the vein that talked
>>>> about eating nothing but peanut butter and tortillas. I believe it was
>>>> actually done.
>>>> Anybody recall this topic?
>>>> Mtnned
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: whcrs4543 at aol.com
>>>> To: ned at pacificcrestcustombuilders.com
>>>> Sent: Friday, February 20, 2009 9:44 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [pct-l] Foot stretch or not?
>>>> Hi Monte,
>>>> I'm a total novice compared to all you guys! I'm learning so much just
>>>> following the chatter.
>>>> Have you actually talked to someone who ate nothing but peanut butter
>>>> on trail ? Sounds possible....for short periods, anyway.
>>>> You going to the big KO in 8 weeks?
>>>> Don
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: ned at pacificcrestcustombuilders.com
>>>> To: montypct <montypct at gmail.com>; Ikem Freeman
>>>> <ikem.freeman at gmail.com>; pct-l at backcountry.net
>>>> Sent: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 9:40 pm
>>>> Subject: Re: [pct-l] Foot stretch or not?
>>>> Monte,
>>>> I routinely carry about 65 pounds over a two week stretch. I walk fast
>>>> and
>>>> relaxed and pound down the trail (gear down for the uphills!). My feet
>>>> have
>>>> never spread. Is it genetic? As you guessed, I use the heaviest leather
>>>> stompers I can find. Mine have lasted me 25 years and are still going
>>>> great-replace the Vibram soles once in a while....
>>>> I have tried trail runners. I used to use them every day about town and
>>>> on
>>>> trail. Then one day I totally twisted my ankle to where it was black
>>>> and
>>>> blue because my ankles were no longer supported and I never went back.
>>>> One of the most important activities an aspiring hiker can do to
>>>> prepare for
>>>> their thru hike is to personally test for themselves all the advise and
>>>> current notions offered in hiking circles. As others have said, what
>>>> works
>>>> for one may not work for you. You need to find out by trial and error
>>>> what
>>>> works for you, whether it be no stove, only eating peanut butter, trail
>>>> runners, a tarp, or going off the trail to town for resupplies every 3
>>>> to 6
>>>> days. You've got to know why you're out there, your motivations and
>>>> aspirations, or you may not be out there for long.
>>>> The trail can be a trial where everyone comes out the other end a
>>>> little
>>>> differently than they went in!
>>>> Mtnned
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "montypct" <montypct at gmail.com>
>>>> To: <ned at pacificcrestcustombuilders.com>; "Ikem Freeman"
>>>> <ikem.freeman at gmail.com>; <pct-l at backcountry.net>
>>>> Sent: Friday, February 20, 2009 9:09 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [pct-l] Trail Running Shoes
>>>>>> So is it the advise that leads to the purchase of runners too big
>>>>>> which
>>>>>> allows the feet to spread both ways?
>>>>> Hi Ned
>>>>> To keep it simple?
>>>>> I'm pretty sure it's the weight of the body over a long hiking day
>>>>> that
>>>>> spreads the feet out.
>>>>> That would be some heavy advise otherwise if it could change the shape
>>>>> of
>>>>> feet..
>>>>> I take it you aren't going to give trail runners a try. :)
>>>>> A lot of us have tried both.
>>>>> monty
>>>>> Lightweight Backpacking
>>>>> The fun goes up when the weight goes down
>>>>> -Warner Springs Monty
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: <ned at pacificcrestcustombuilders.com>
>>>>> To: "Ikem Freeman" <ikem.freeman at gmail.com>; <pct-l at backcountry.net>
>>>>> Sent: Friday, February 20, 2009 8:52 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: [pct-l] Trail Running Shoes
>>>>>> Sofar,
>>>>>> Now there's another concept that doesn't fit with my experiences
>>>>>> along
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> Crest and Divide and 45 years of carrying a heavy pack,
>>>>>> my feet haven't changed a half-size in all those years! But, then, I
>>>>>> chose
>>>>>> not to hike in 'runners.
>>>>>> Mtnned
>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> From: "Ikem Freeman" <ikem.freeman at gmail.com>
>>>>>> To: <pct-l at backcountry.net>
>>>>>> Sent: Friday, February 20, 2009 8:28 PM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [pct-l] Trail Running Shoes
>>>>>>> Great re-cap, Brian.
>>>>>>> One more very important point ... plan on the size of your foot to
>>>>>>> get
>>>>>>> wider
>>>>>>> and longer as you go.
>>>>>>> Before I started my 08 hike, I wore size 10.5 USA. My first pair of
>>>>>>> Montrails were size 11.5, and my second were size 13 ( I got them at
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> 1,000 mile mark, near Bridgeport, CA.) and they fit really good.
>>>>>>> O. Ikem Sofar
>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 8:20 PM, Brian Lewis <brianle8 at gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> As a side note, all of this stuff gets talked about again and
>>>>>>>> again,
>>>>>>>> here, and on various forums, such as
>>>>>>>> http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum,
>>>>>>>> or http://www.backcountryforum.com/ or
>>>>>>>> http://www.backpackinglight.com/cgi-bin/backpackinglight/forums/
>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>> As another side note, the only way to decide what's right for you
>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>> to try out most likely solutions; I don't propose what works for me
>>>>>>>> personally as the one, true and universal solution, and suggest
>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>> you be skeptical of anyone that does.
>>>>>>>> The issue of goretex shoes is one that like so many things is a
>>>>>>>> matter
>>>>>>>> of personal preference (and opinion ...). The anti-goretex camp
>>>>>>>> says
>>>>>>>> that they take longer to dry out, and in stream crossings, wet
>>>>>>>> snow,
>>>>>>>> or continuous rain, they *will* get wet. I'm in this camp, and
>>>>>>>> per
>>>>>>>> previous, use goretex socks if I want the benefits of goretex. I
>>>>>>>> had
>>>>>>>> a pair of goretex shoes once that fairly quickly developed holes,
>>>>>>>> which IMO made them a bit like having a screen door on a submarine
>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>> water gets in, but has a harder time getting back out. Of course
>>>>>>>> not everyone agrees with this viewpoint.
>>>>>>>> Ken Powers already gave IMO a great response to the long list 'o
>>>>>>>> things-that-are-to-feared about trail runners. My take:
>>>>>>>> Slip and Falls - no
>>>>>>>> Frostbite - not even close. Trail runners worked better in snow
>>>>>>>> than I
>>>>>>>> had expected, you get used to it
>>>>>>>> too many rocks in the shoes - depends on the shoe (or boot), and
>>>>>>>> whether you use gaiters, and whether your shoes develop holes ...
>>>>>>>> bottom line, not a big issue for me, and my shoes develop holes
>>>>>>>> faster
>>>>>>>> than most.
>>>>>>>> Plantar Fasciitis - I did have a mild case of this before starting
>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>> the trail, but got custom orthodics. Yes, a shoe with a firmer
>>>>>>>> sole
>>>>>>>> might help here (?), but didn't turn out to be a problem for me.
>>>>>>>> Achilles Tendonitis - no
>>>>>>>> ripped or torn uppers- somewhat, but so what? I used the infamous
>>>>>>>> Golite shoes, and they developed holes along the way, but I still
>>>>>>>> got
>>>>>>>> 500+ miles per pair.
>>>>>>>> sole separations/delaminations - Never had this, but I don't try to
>>>>>>>> get thousands of miles on a single pair (as some people do try to)
>>>>>>>> Sprained/Strained Ankles/Tendons - no. Some people feel that boots
>>>>>>>> are important to support the ankle, some (Jardine) feel that boots
>>>>>>>> enable a person to keep hiking despite weak ankles. Dunno, I guess
>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>> ankles are fairly strong, never an issue for me. As Ken said, keep
>>>>>>>> your base weight within reason, plus you will indeed really
>>>>>>>> strengthen
>>>>>>>> all the associated muscles, etc over time.
>>>>>>>> jammed toes from soft uppers - no. Note that thru-hikers tend to
>>>>>>>> get
>>>>>>>> shoes one or more sizes too big; with so much leeway, it's not
>>>>>>>> likely
>>>>>>>> a problem, unless you're fearing something falling on top of the
>>>>>>>> toe
>>>>>>>> area (?). I never had a problem with that either.
>>>>>>>> numerous blisters from too roomy a shoe - No. Like many people
>>>>>>>> (boots
>>>>>>>> or shoes), I had some blisters early on, and as someone else
>>>>>>>> pointed
>>>>>>>> out, your feet toughen up as you walk. At some point it feels like
>>>>>>>> you have hooves rather than feet, nothing seems to bother them.
>>>>>>>> I'm of the opinion that non-waterproof shoes, ones that breathe
>>>>>>>> very
>>>>>>>> well (quick to get wet, but quick also to dry out) are ideal, less
>>>>>>>> prone to blisters than boots that create a closed-in moist
>>>>>>>> environment. Of course, sandal advocates likely look at my shoes
>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>> the same way that I look at boots! :-)
>>>>>>>> Bottom line is --- try it. Find some local snow if you can, bring
>>>>>>>> spare socks, find some reasonably challenging terrain. Decide for
>>>>>>>> yourself if the lower weight and/or better ventilation make shoes
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> right approach for you.
>>>>>>>> Brian Lewis / Gadget '08
>>>>>>>> http://postholer.com/brianle
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