[pct-l] Section N - trail routing

jomike at cot.net jomike at cot.net
Wed Jul 2 10:48:41 CDT 2008

Message: 5
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2008 16:56:27 -0700
From: David Plotnikoff <>
Subject: [pct-l] trail routing north of Belden
To: pct-l at backcountry.net
Message-ID: <f06230902c490739118d4@[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"


My e-mail is jomike at cot.net

  I did Belden to Humboldt Summit two years ago after an unusually high snow year, creating a luscious bouquet of spring color with water everywhere. Bearing in mind I was there over two years, I can be of no help at this point other than the following. Water was running over the rocks frequently on my way up the canyon. I only know,there were many easy accesses points to water, if not always convenient. I never saw cairns for, to be honest, they were not needed.I did not need to go x country; my experience was, go by the guide book.

  are we there yet
  JoAnn Michael
>From what I can gather from assorted Web references, the trail route 
north from Belden, up the Chips Creek drainage, to Poison Spring is 
significantly divergent from what's in the guidebook.

Can someone who's been up that stretch recently shed some light on 
exactly what the situation is? Is there one confusing creek crossing 
around Myrtle Flat? Several? Does the current route drop all the way 
down to Chips Creek proper, or remain high up the slope? Did people 
end up going XC between Myrtle Flat and Poison Spring? Cairns?

Thanks. I suspect JoAnn Michael and the Backcountry Horsemen are the 
right people to address this. But I can't seem to find her e-mail at 
the moment.

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