[pct-l] Use of Pocketmail, EMail Device and Journal Anonymity
public at postholer.com
Fri Jan 25 11:27:32 CST 2008
For those of you who are carrying a Pocketmail or an email device such as a
Blackberry, PDA, emailed enabled cell phone, whatever, here's a reminder:
You can send journal entrys right into your postholer journal. The folks who
used it last year, its first year, loved it! If you can attach a photo to
your email, you can send that too! Off course you can update your journal
from the website as well.
Journal Demo: http://postholer.com/journal/demo.html
The Anonymous Journalist
If you want to keep a PRIVATE online journal, you can do that to. Simply
mark your journal as private and share it with only people you know. No
links to your journal will be published anywhere on the web site.
If you wish to keep your journal off the sites that the masses visit, embed
your journal on your own website and really make your journal your own,
still having access to all the cool features, such as emailing entrys.
For you map lovers, put the location of each journal entry on the 'Ultimate
Google PCT Map'. If you submit a lat/lon in your journal entry email, the
entry will appear automagically on our highly detailed/interactive map!
Journal Help: http://postholer.com/journal/help.php
Trails : http://Postholer.Com
Journals : http://Postholer.Com/journal
Maps : http://Postholer.Com/gmap
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