[pct-l] PCT ADZ ZEN

Bill Batchelor billbatch at cox.net
Fri Feb 29 08:07:12 CST 2008

Many years ago, when I was in high school, I remember reading a little book
of Zen stories. Yea, I was the kind of kid that read Zen stories in high
school.  Not because I was esoteric or exceptionally deep thinking, but I
REALLY wanted to be.  As a result I stumbled onto some stuff.  Anyway, one
story crawls out of the deep spaces of my mind from time to time.  I can
never remember the details of the story, only the basic arc.  However, I
never forgot the tag line at the end.  All this chat about opinions, ADZ,
etc. brought this story  to mind again. 

The details of the story are unimportant, but it has to do with a Buddha (an
enlightened practitioner) who had been meditating in the corner of an old
building for days when the pipe in the ceiling burst and released toilet
water on him from the floor above.  He never flinched and continued to
meditate.  When a young Zen student was walking through the building with
his teacher, he asked his teacher who the man was.  His teacher replied,
"Some call him a Holy Man, others call him a shit head".

>From time to time in my life I remember those words.  Perspective.


Ah, and now another quote comes to mind

"And what is good, Phaedrus
And what is not good ---
Need we ask anyone to tell us these things?"

I will leave the source to be recognized - or not

Bill aka Pink Gumby aka Shit Head  ;-)

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