[pct-l] Let's Hear From The 2007 Thru Hikers...

montypct montypct at gmail.com
Thu Feb 28 13:14:19 CST 2008

Big Bear hanging out.  I could harldy walk and stayed a few days. They just kept coming.  25 or so when I was there.




Rodriguez Water Tank was crowded (12 campers)6 days before the Kick Off.

Three of us went ½ mile further to camp.


The Third Gate had about 8 congregating but 6 staying there.  There are 3 established tent sites.


I bivied up on the trail a mile or so later.  There's not many places to camp up there after the third gate.


For the rest of the trail the biggest clump I can remember on the trail was six  people except at Deep Creek.  There was also an informal group of seven of us who were hiking together an occasional minute here and there.  We chose that clump.


The Warner Springs Post Office was Swamped with one less employee, but a little less traffic than usual.  Still too much to wish on one person who has been taking care of us thru-hikers for 20 years.


The BIG groups were in the towns and at the trail Angel's places.


Warner Springs the Wednesday before the kick Off.  Had ton's


Big Bear.. Nature's Inn was full and a lot of hikers were staying at the Motel 6.


Wrightwood didn't seem that crowded.


Other than the Kick Off, the biggest group of people I saw were at the Sauffley's, by far.  If you've been there you would understand why.

I think people are just posing as hikers so they can stay there.  My hiking partner had foot problems.  We stayed an extra day or two.


Missed the Anderson's this year, but it sounded like a couple of hikers moved in permanently and a lot of stayed multiple days.


Hiker Town  10-12 of us daytime, but a lot of us moved on.


I saw very few in Tehachapi


But a big crowd at Meadow Ed's Birthday party for a few days at Kennedy Meadows.


We got the last two rooms at our Motel in Independence.


I was able to get a room at VVR


Mammoth wasn't crowded


15 hikers at Tuolumne Meadows in very early July.


What was YOUR impression of "The Herd"? Was it a trampling army, or was
The Trail as busy as the JMT on a typical summer weekend?

This is a set up.  Are you trying to prove a point?  We all know the answer to that one.  :0)



>What was YOUR impression of "The Herd"?




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