[pct-l] Time for the Annual "Why I Boycott the ADZ" Message

Alison Rose a.rose at sbcglobal.net
Wed Feb 27 00:52:28 CST 2008

Dear Kickoff Critics,

If 300 people hike the trail in 2008, whether they leave on the same day 
or over two months, 300 people will still hike the trail.  If we stay on the
trail, bury our waste, camp non-invasively, pick up our trash, and respect
the landscape, we minimize our impact.  I don't understand the argument 
that says "the herd" is bad.  The herd has benefits, such as self
regulation and accountability to your fellow hikers.  

Jon Danniken is, in my opinion, the truest PCT preservationist.  He
hated water caches, trail aids, hand-ups, the Kickoff, Yogi's books, Scott
Williamson's seminars, and anything else that de-mystified and had a
taming effect on the PCT.  Just my opinion, of course, but if the Kickoff
is a bad thing, why stop there?  Why not join Jonny D?  

As soon as they charge admission, sell food, advertise and otherwise 
capitalize on the Kickoff, I'll be done.  BTW, I respect Jon Danniken's 
position and passion; no slight intended.

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