[pct-l] PCT Map Series (USFS)

enyapjr at comcast.net enyapjr at comcast.net
Mon Feb 18 09:48:46 CST 2008

Regarding the 10-map series (eventually) produced by the USFS:

The PCTA Store should 'soon' (hopefully) have the just released #3, "Southern Sierra" (Tehachapi Pass to Le Conte Canyon) map in stock...
They already have #1, 2, 9, and 10 ("Southern CA", "Transverse Ranges", "Northern WA", and "Southern WA") in stock...

Someone on the list asked a while back when all 10 maps would be finished...
The #1, 2, and 10 are "Year - 2004", whereas the #9 and 3 are "Year - 2007"...  
Maybe by 2014(?)  the USFS will have all 10 maps completed?!?    ;-)

Happy trails!!!

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