[pct-l] Camel Lice

Hiker97 hiker97 at aol.com
Fri Feb 8 02:18:15 CST 2008

Unsupported JMT Reinhold writes: What??? You ungrateful scoundrel!!!!......just as I smoothen feathers and try to make you look like a good guy you turn around and show everybody what a selfish  little swine you really are. I take back every good thing I ever said about you and reaffirm everything bad I ever said about you.  So there how do you like that.......and may your hide become infested with a million camel lice.  I'M  NOT  DONE WITH  YOU  YET  SWITCHBACK!!!!.....I'll think of  something else. 
Switchback replies: Scoundrel?  And your point is?  Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.  By the way, I am not a selfish little swine.  I resent that.  That is insulting.  That is condensing.  That is hurtful.  I am a selfish big swine.  This is how I survive on the trail with so little food.  That is how I am ultra light.  Hummmm, camel lice.  I only get llama lice on the PCT.  I will be on the lookout for them this Saturday in Section D.
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