[pct-l] electrolyte replacement

Ellen Shopes igellen at comcast.net
Fri Dec 26 10:23:57 CST 2008

I like this recipe.  Thanks for sharing it.

FWIW, here's my take on electrolyte replacements.  Many commercial 
preparations aren't palatable without additional watering down.  I think the 
real issue in desert hiking is:  "how's your appetitie?"  Many people lose 
theirs when hiking in the heat.  If you find you still can eat, you can 
probably get enough electrolytes from the food that you eat.  This is 
particularly true if you favor salty foods (pretzels, salted nuts, 
commercial freeze-dried meals, etc.).  On my desert hikes, I take along some 
form of electrolyte replacement for use in emergencies.  I have rarely 
needed to use it.  If you decide to use one, like any of your other 
equipment, try it out ahead of time to make sure you like it's taste when 
it's warm.


From: "David Thibault" <dthibaul07 at gmail.com>
To: <pct-l at backcountry.net>
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 5:54 PM
Subject: Re: [pct-l] Pct-l Digest, Vol 12, Issue 100

> I bring my own homemade "gatoraid mix".  I usually plan on having 1/2 each
> day (i.e 1 liter).  My recipe is:
> 1 package flavoraid mix (or koolaid) any flavor
> 1/3 c sugar
> 5 packets splenda
> 1/2 tsp lite salt
> Makes 2 liters.
> The splenda cuts the weight of the sugar.
> The lite salt has both sodium and potasium.

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