[pct-l] MTR Resupply

William A. Chavez wctrekker at dslextreme.com
Wed Dec 24 19:33:47 CST 2008

Just a little tid bit (since people were discussing resupply).  A few  
years back (4 perhaps) my son and I resupplied at MTR while doing the  
JMT.  When we got there our package hadn't arrived but that is  
another story.  I had diligently packed our 5 gal bucket to MTR's  
specifications, which was to make it easier for a horse or mule that  
was going to carry it to the resort.  As we waited we heard off in  
the distance the whining of some motorized vehicle approaching.  Upon  
arrival the vehicle was a 4x4 WWII vintage military type Mercedes  
whatchamacallit truck.  The thing didn't look like it was related to  
a horse or a mule.  The people at MTR were nice.  Our bucket was on  
the "truck."  We packed up and continued on our trek (the JMT).

soon to be apart of the class of '09

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