[pct-l] Cost of a PCT thru-hike

Paul Magnanti pmags at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 11 19:48:09 CST 2008

~3k-4k on average. 
That  figure includes from the time you set foot on the trail from the time you get off, replacement of gear,
a mix of hostels when avail with split hotel rooms, and the all important beer and burger in town. :) 

If you do a more luxurious hike, you'll spend more (more and longer town stops, private rooms)

If you are an experienced PCT hiker and a naturally thrifty person, you can probably spend less (you know the ins and outs of the trail
well, when to cut corners if need be).

People can (and will! ;) ) debate the finer points of the above, but that's the quick, simple and direct answer. 

The true harvest of my life is intangible.... a little stardust 
caught, a portion of the rainbow I have clutched

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