[pct-l] New Folks

ed faubert edfaubert at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 4 16:10:03 CST 2008

Well i must say by the response the list is getting with the FAQs its nice to see some "new" or rarely seen folks responding here so this is a good thing.
I think one thing when i see a post from a 'newbie', i sometimes say "oh well, someone else will answer this ? and i see later on the same person is reasking the ? again.
, cause we all said Oh well, someone elses turn to answer. Turns out no one did or the person who did respond was the wrong person.  So maby when we put this whole thing together we can classify it under items like equipment, resupply, foot/blister problems and so on. Then ask who on the list would be the lead person to go to. Like the water report that AsaBat has up, he answers almost all of these ?s on water.  Yogi, for various reasons does not respond or read the PCT-l but it needs someone like her to talk about resupply. You have Moke, Shires, Frankle and Van Peski who make most of the tent/backpack items yet they rarely respond so maby if there was a to go to list on tents and packs maby it could be posted to them. Boots and or sneakers could be under foot problems and where there used to be a guy who was the pro on this on the PCT list, i not sure he still responds.....Donna, who we all know is so pro PCTA she could handle those ?s. Think of  some
 other topics and someone will be the lead person...... You want to do a speed hike or a yoyo well we know who that is. 
This new system may still have some major flaws but in time it might be the best thing to happen on the PCT-l  .


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