[pct-l] Black Mountain Road (Idyllwild)

Len Glassner len5742 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 13 03:20:20 CDT 2008

Question was posed as to when it might be open.  I asked at the ranger
station and they said 'There are crews up there doing work and it will
open in mid-May'.  I then drove by the entrance on 243 and the gate
was open.  Drove about 5 miles up  in my small p/u before I had an
hard time getting over a rut. Probably could have made it, but chose
not to press my luck.  Parked there and walked the rest of the way
(maybe three+ miles)  Some intermittent snow piles, some more ruts.
Appeared that someone had gotten a fair way past me, but got stuck
half-way up a snow pile and gave up.

I was just getting back to the road/PCT junction after exploring
Fuller Ridge, and 30 feet below me a RAV4 was in the process of trying
a snow pile and getting stuck.  Pretty entertaining.

Later on, heading back to my truck, three people who had made it
farther than me in a Honda Civic no less, pulled over.  They must have
picked it up and carried it over the sketchy bits.

I met three or four other vehicles heading up as I was driving down.

There is a water source about five miles up from 243.  A pipe with
what appears to be a constant good drip comes out of the hillside
(above it is an enclosure which I assume is the source), and is
labeled 'non-potable, do not drink'.  A few feet farther, another pipe
with a faucet, labeled 'Potable.  enjoy.'  Turned the handle, nothing
came out.

Upon returning to Idyllwild, I asked at the ranger station when the
potable water would be turned on, and the answer was, probably when
the road is formally opened. I didn't ask about the non-potable and
its reliability.  I did ask about treating, and the answer was go

I mentioned in passing that I had driven up part way, and was told
that the contractors working in the area neglect to lock the gate,
despite numerous attempts to get them to do so.

I guess the bottom line is - you can go now if you got some clearance,
and the contractors don't change their habits.

p.s. The views along the road and at the top are worth the bumpy trip, IMO.

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