[pct-l] Journals sites

Paul Magnanti pmags at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 9 10:48:40 CDT 2008

I also like the feature of how the postholer journals can easily embed in your website:

Require some tack savvy on your end, but very easy from your transcribers end.

When I did the CDT, I had a friend transcribe my journal. I wanted it easy for her to type copy and paste my journal entries without having 
to navigate through the admin side of my site or having to learn a new and complex system. (KISS is my mantra).

I ended up using Blogger as it was easy and straight forward, but it does not really mesh ideally with my site (used some old school framing). It is OK and was a good solution for the time. 

Today? I'd use Postholer.com with its e-mail entried feature, ability to to embed in the website transparently, and still be easy for an average computer to use. 

I've used Trailjournals from a transcriber end and it works. But it also about 10 yrs old at this point and is a bit clunky to use (IMO).

When it is all said and done, both are a great way to share your journey with others.

The true harvest of my life is intangible.... a little stardust 
caught, a portion of the rainbow I have clutched

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