Carl Siechert carlito at gmail.com
Wed Sep 5 00:02:39 CDT 2007

I'd start with Trail Operations Director Mike Dawson (trail at pcta.org) and
Northern OR/Southern WA Regional Rep Dana Berthold (dberthold at pcta.org).
Glacier Peak may be out of Dana's region, and to my knowledge PCTA doesn't
yet have a rep for northern Washington, but you can at least make your point
and hopefully learn what the PCTA's involvement and position is.


On 9/4/07, joseph kisner <lostonthecrest at hotmail.com> wrote:
> I have been discussing this topic off-list for a while, and have been told
> a lot of opinions, as well as second hand information. When TRYING to
> contact those from the PCTA, I have had no luck. Does anyone have the names
> and e-mail addresses to the persons most likely to respond to this?  Thank
> You, tattoo joe
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