[pct-l] Water Caches

stillroaming pct at delnorteresort.com
Mon Mar 26 19:10:33 CDT 2007

First a question: Why are emergency, last resort water sources widely 

Water caches exist for emergency use only. This is my most basic 

With that basic understanding, the locations and status of caches should 
remain anonymous. The very act of making this information public encourages 
folks to use them. "If I didn't get enough water, I know a caches exists up 
the trail." That is my twisted logic. By advertising the cache you pander to 
the path of least resistance in all of us.

Further, why would you ask for assistance in stocking a cache, when you 
don't expect a hiker to carry an extra gallon for their own needs? It's just 
crazy! (that gallon is used by the time they reach gate 3. it's half gone 
half way there)

Advertising/supporting a cache, for whatever reason, is a major 
moral/ethical repsonsibility. Especially this year. I hope you can live with 
that responsibility.

Scott Parks

Trails : http://Postholer.Com
Journals : http://Postholer.Com/journal 

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