[pct-l] sierra thunderstorms

Pea Hicks phix at optigan.com
Tue Mar 20 13:51:03 CDT 2007

Shutterbug steiner wrote:
> Thunderstorms, Lightning and Hail OH MY!  Actually Xing that pass while 
> you guys waited it out was one of the less smart things I did last 
> year.  But HYPOthermia or getting Struck by lightning ---- which is the 
> better way to die?

lol!! well, i guess the thing is that we were not expecting a storm that 
lasted as long as that one did... the only reason we stayed huddled at 
the base of mather getting hypothermic is because we figured the storm 
would blow over in a fairly short time, but that turned out not to be 
the case. fortunately we were able to eventually recognize that we had 
to get some shelter and backtracked a few miles to the trees, set up our 
tents, and called it a day.


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